![]() Halifax (HRM) Residential Market Statistic Update For Week of May 22nd - May 29th 2014 (Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Last year this week New Listings: 542 (592, 553, 649, 542) *530 Sold: 172 (133, 143, 147, 157) *176 Sale To Listing Ratio: 32% (22%, 26%, 23%, 29%) *33% Listings that went conditional/pending: 176 (158, 158, 170, 160) Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 82 (79, 93, 124, 245) *86 Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 5,563 (5,483, 5,303, 5,187, 5,002) *5,484 Active Single Family Home: 3,761 (3,703, 3,624, 3,551, 3,424) *3,675 Average Single Family Home List Price: $314,449 ($299,131, $323,895, $311,592, $279,885) *304k Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $303,919 ($289,648, $313,500, $300,759, $271,365) *298k Average Days On Market Single Family Home: 122 (96, 103, 100, 89) *89 Active Condos: 554 (553, 535, 516, 487) *439 Average Condo Listing Price: $240,353 ($254,175, $266,094, $244,431, $257,451) *242k Average Condo Selling Price: $243,386 ($243,612, $259,006, $237,388, $251,662) *234k Average Days On Market Condos: 117 (90, 104, 118, 117) *57Active Vacant Lots: 928 Halifax/Dartmouth Absorption Rate (weeks): 137 (134, 132, 128, 125) *22 MARKET RANT Some improvements this week, but not enough to reverse the tide. Inventory gains in all products this week as we approach the peak inflation of the year, and although we had improvement in sales this week, it will take a lot more scaling to climb that mountain. Values still remain high however, which may be causing concern for buyers who have been patiently waiting for a market correction that has yet to come. I was asked by one of my readers to comment on the reason I thought there has not been a price correction over the entire market, and I will take a stab with my opinion. Working with, and applying for seller's services as often as I do, I am on the front lines if the personal contact, and heartbeat of the situation. As I've stated many times over, sellers nowadays are savvier than ever, in most area's that is. Because of great websites like ViewPoint.ca, buyers and sellers are both fully aware of what is being sold, how much it sold for, and how long it took to sell (amongst many, many more things the site provides). The thing is that numbers are just that, numbers. Cold, exact, truthful, numbers. Buyers want to use the numbers to their advantage to get a deal on the property they are after, and sellers want to ignore the numbers as prices reduce and value depletes. I feel that a key factor is sellers going after that "large profit margin", that all the TV shows tell you about. Established is the fact that if you bought your home here in HRM 3 years ago, did nothing to it, that you would probably be taking a loss (anyone different please contact me) if you sold this year. But many sellers in the market are in that situation and cannot come to terms with that idea, or cannot afford to accommodate the loss. The second part to that is the sellers with equity. Although they have lived in their property for 7+ years and do have some equity built up, looking around at what their neighbours are listed for (not sold for) automatically has would be sellers rubbing their hands together in anticipation of out listing the challenger. The "that home is nice, but mine has a better layout, so I think we should list it at $X more" mentality kicks in. I do think the human factor is playing a role, but I also think the type of product selling is also a factor. The question is, without a change in the market for the better, where do you, as a seller, draw the line if you have to sell? NOTABLE NEWS A perfect storm on the horizon? With the ship building contract long forgotten as the rally cry of the market, a new market savior may start hitting your social media feeds, and could certainly inject some life into our dead market if it comes to fruition. This article boasts about the investment that China is prepared to do in our province, a $3-billion dollar investment. A Shanghai-based company says it is planning to invest up to $3-billion in Nova Scotia in real estate, technology and tourism over the next decade, hoping to compete with Canada’s West Coast as a tourist centre for Chinese visitors. Think it's enough to get the ball rolling? Are these guys reading the blog? RBC is reporting, what I have been for a while now with regards to out market. But I guess it's nice to hear it from the big guys sometimes, even though I wish it was a different story. If you like this blog, or think I'm exaggerating things, please read this article. Few good articles here. These articles have more stats to back up another factor aiding in the demise of our market, the exodus factor. The chart, from the newly released 2014 Halifax Index, shows a sliver of the problem facing many mid-size cities in Canada — the exodus of young and working-age people. The Halifax Index, produced annually for Nova Scotia’s capital, benchmarks the city against five peer cities on a number of important measurements: population growth, education levels, the confidence of the business sector, and more. Check them out! WEEKLY ADOGTABLE Bliss is a 5 year old retriever pit bull mix who loves everyone! He especially loves other dogs - he is being fostered at a local doggy day care so he is getting to play all day long with other dogs and he is loving it - so if you are looking for a dog who you want to be able to take to places where there are other dogs or you are looking for a companion for your dog friendly dog - Bliss is your dog! He wants to make up for his last 5 years that he's lived in solitary confinement - he did have a kind neighbour who took him on walks - so he is good on leash and used to getting out and about so he really is a very good dog! This "Flashy Fella" is available through No Chains All Love Rescue Society, a non profit rescue organization from Halifax, Nova Scotia. More info about him, other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE. ![]() VIEWPOINT REALTY Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty, real estate map? Its a great tool for all your real estate research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint Client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! LET ME HELP YOU OUT Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to leave a public comment or question below. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Thanks for stopping by! Newest Blog post HERE
5/30/2014 11:34:07 am
What I would like to know is why are so many people selling their house and is the amount of bank owned properties going up? If they are buying another house that might explain the desire for maximum profit because they are paying someone else's inflated price. Thx for the blog I read it every week. Thx to you and view point we are the only well informed house buyers and sellers in Canada.
6/2/2014 02:30:35 am
As a seller in this market, it doesn't seem that lowering the price is going to get the market moving. If people are not actively looking then it would seem that a market correction will not make much of a difference anway (with the number of price changes on viewpoint it seems that there may be a price correction in the works) (can you add that to your stats?). Too bad your statistics does not have a way to show the number of actual showings (obviously an untraceable amount). Even the low interest rates posted by the big banks had no impact on the stats in the last couple of weeks.
6/5/2014 09:52:22 am
I seriously doubt it is going to get better with the demographic situation. No young people means no buyers. I wouldn't jump into the market just yet. It has a ways to go yet. The price correction is going to be painful.
6/5/2014 12:15:43 pm
Mark, I could not agree more. Almost everything is pointing to more downward pressure on our housing market.
6/5/2014 01:49:39 pm
From the looks of the number of price changes, the prices are already pretty low and I have seen a lot of good values on the market. That just goes to show that although the prices might drop, if no one is buying then it doesn't matter how low they go, people just aren't going to buy. So many people waiting for their property to sell before they go shopping for another one creates a self fulfilling prophecy of a slow market. Comments are closed.
Jeremiah Wallace, CDJeremiah has been involved with many aspects of the Real Estate industry for over fourteen years. This includes construction, residential renovations, interior design, and investing in various income generating property products.. ListingsPhoto's by Jeremiah
January 2025