Halifax (HRM) Residential Market Statistic Update for the Week of September 22nd - 29th, 2016 (Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Previous Year's Stats Total Market New Listings: 278 (378, 273, 252, 306) *553 Sold: 141 (135, 132, 85, 132) *129 Sale To Listing Ratio: 51% (36%, 48%, 34%, 43%) *23% Price Changes: 229 (215, 250, 167, 210) *295 Listings that went conditional/pending: 144 (158, 117, 124, 147) *145 Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 130 (133, 286, 286, 302) *321 Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 5,368 (5,378, 5,296, 5,233, 5,260) *5,729 Absorption Rate in weeks: 44 (45, 42, 41, 37) *46 Single Family Home Stats Active Single Family Home: 3,433 (3,449, 3,430, 3,388, 3,426) *3,869 Average Single Family Home List Price: $344,410 ($297k, $306k, $332k, $283k) *$290k Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $323,025 ($285k, $296k, $320k) *$280k Single Family Home Sale to List Ratio This Week: 94% (96%, 97%, 96%, 96%) *96% Median Single Family Home List Price: $282,200 ($266k, $279k, $290k, $260k) *$282k Median Single Family Home Sold Price: $267,000 ($255k, $270k, $283k, $245k) *$257k Average Days on Market Single Family Home: 96 (103, 98, 97, 94) *157 Condo Stats Active Condos: 477 (476, 478, 477, 479) *474 Average Condo Listing Price: $315,199 ($274k, $309k, $217k, $267k) *$291k Average Condo Selling Price: $310,990 ($263k, $299k, $211k, $257k) *$280k Condo Sale to List Ratio This Week: 98% (97%, 97%, 97%, 96%) *96% Median Condo List Price: $304,900 ($222k, $312k, $200k, $250k,) *233k Median Condo Sold Price: $303,000 ($215k, $310k, $180k, $244k) *225k Average Days on Market Condos: 81 (121, 66, 116, 77) *150 Active Vacant Lots: 1,167 (1,168, 1,112, 1,098, 1,090) *1,083 HELP stop BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) As you may or may not be aware, Quebec has implemented BSL for "Bully" breed types, which has caused many lovers of the breed to speak up and become the "voice of the voiceless", including the SPCA who vows to halt dog services there should the complete ban happen. Some of our local rescues have already made an effort to contact shelters in Quebec to make arrangements for any displaced pups that might find themselves away from their families, and others are on stand-by ready to step in should the call come. It's truly a sad implementation, as the thought of this legislation coming to Nova Scotia (which if this keeps getting passed across Canada, it's only a matter of time) brings the matter home, as I have two of my own (biggest babies you'll ever meet). There is an organized rally this Saturday at 2pm at Grand Parade for anyone interested in participating. Details can be found HERE. There is also a petition HERE which is getting close to it's goal, maybe a couple more would help ;) WEEKLY ADOPTABLE Ralph is a big goofy boy who is hoping to find his new furrever home. He's quite the energetic dog that would benefit from consistent exercise, but he's always up for some snuggles! We are recommending a home without other animals for Ralph; he has met a few dogs here and shows a lot of dominance. He was neutered with us, so after those hormones calm down and with some training he should come along nicely and make some doggy friends. Ralph's owners will need to enrol him in obedience classes before taking him home, he needs a few more manners! Kids over the age of 12 for this guy; he's a big boy with lots of love to give, but sometimes doesn't know his own strength. Come on in and meet 'Wreck it Ralph' today! This "cuddly companion" is available through the Dartmouth SPCA, a non profit rescue organization from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. More info about him, other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE LET ME HELP YOU OUT Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Don't forget to bookmark my page, and visit often! VIEWPOINT REALTY
Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty interactive real estate map? It's a powerful tool for all your property research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention, it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! Looking for a little extra help finding that "needle in a haystack"? The innovators at my brokerage, ViewPoint Realty, have introduced another forward-thinking information tool for your property search needs. Its called "neighbourhoods" and it will break down some stats and give you a more focused tool on the area(s) you are looking for. Check it out at viewpoint.ca and get more info now! Just another way Viewpoint Realty is advancing the property buying and selling process. Newest Blog post HERE Halifax (HRM) Residential Market Statistic Update for the Week of September 15th - 22nd, 2016 (Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Previous Year's Stats Total Market New Listings: 378 (273, 252, 306, 228) *326 Sold: 135 (132, 85, 132, 153) *128 Sale To Listing Ratio: 36% (48%, 34%, 43%, 67%) *39% Price Changes: 215 (250, 167, 210, 215) *289 Listings that went conditional/pending: 158 (117, 124, 147, 148) *140 Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 133 (286, 286, 302, 115) *172 Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 5,378 (5,296, 5,233, 5,260, 5,377) *5,841 Absorption Rate in weeks: 45 (42, 41, 37, 38) *48 Single Family Home Stats Active Single Family Home: 3,449 (3,430, 3,388, 3,426, 3,531) *3,935 Average Single Family Home List Price: $296,621 ($306k, $332k, $283k, $316k) *$267k Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $284,802 ($296k, $320k, $273k) *$256k Single Family Home Sale to List Ratio This Week: 96% (97%, 96%, 96%, 96%) *96% Median Single Family Home List Price: $266,000 ($279k, $290k, $260k, $265k) *$259k Median Single Family Home Sold Price: $254,900 ($270k, $283k, $245k, $260k) *$252k Average Days on Market Single Family Home: 103 (98, 97, 94, 101) *82 Condo Stats Active Condos: 476 (478, 477, 479, 490) *497 Average Condo Listing Price: $274,195 ($309k, $217k, $267k, $340k) *$360k Average Condo Selling Price: $263,434 ($299k, $211k, $257k, $330k) *$349k Condo Sale to List Ratio This Week: 97% (97%, 97%, 96%, 97%) *97% Median Condo List Price: $222,400 ($312k, $200k, $250k, $260k,) *236k Median Condo Sold Price: $215,000 ($310k, $180k, $244k, $251k) *226k Average Days on Market Condos: 121 (66, 116, 77, 96) *145 Active Vacant Lots: 1,168 (1,112, 1,098, 1,090, 1,087) *1,087 MARKET RANT So i guess with the kids all tucked away into their respective grade levels, focus starts back on the real estate market? In an unusual turn of events, the overall inventory gained a decent amount, which isn't the norm for this time of year. Usually, Autumn carries the trend of decreasing inventory through it's months, then passes the torch to the Winter season, where it bottoms out for the year. Might be just an exchange of extremes as the ebb and flow continues, but seeing such a mix of activity this late in the market year definitely changes it up. Fall, in my opinion, has always been a great time of year to sell. Leftover inventory from the Spring is long gone, and the Summer challengers have excited the area, leaving any new entries a "hot ticket" of interest as Buyers yet to secure their abode stand ready to pounce on any hot deals in their areas of interest. Fall is starting off on an interesting foot, so stay tuned to keep up to date with all the developing details! Thanks for stopping by! WEEKLY ADOPTABLE Boo is a lovely female canine who has made her way to us all the way from Cape Breton! This well traveled pup would be best suited to a home with older children (16 yrs and older) who have some dog experience. Boo is a strong dog who would like to find an owner to help teach her how to walk properly on leash. If you would like to meet her feel free to stop into the shelter anytime during our business hours to take this fancy pup out for a walk. This "cuddly companion" is available through the Dartmouth SPCA, a non profit rescue organization from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. More info about him, other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE LET ME HELP YOU OUT Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Don't forget to bookmark my page, and visit often! VIEWPOINT REALTY
Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty interactive real estate map? It's a powerful tool for all your property research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention, it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! Looking for a little extra help finding that "needle in a haystack"? The innovators at my brokerage, ViewPoint Realty, have introduced another forward-thinking information tool for your property search needs. Its called "neighbourhoods" and it will break down some stats and give you a more focused tool on the area(s) you are looking for. Check it out at viewpoint.ca and get more info now! Just another way Viewpoint Realty is advancing the property buying and selling process. Newest Blog post HERE Halifax (HRM) Residential Market Statistic Update for the Week of September 8th - 15th, 2016 (Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Previous Year's Stats Total Market New Listings: 273 (252, 306, 228, 306) *305 Sold: 132 (85, 132, 153, 142) *130 Sale To Listing Ratio: 48% (34%, 43%, 67%, 46%) *43% Price Changes: 250 (167, 210, 215, 200) *337 Listings that went conditional/pending: 117 (124, 147, 148, 167) *141 Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 286 (286, 302, 115, 154) *179 Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 5,296 (5,233, 5,260, 5,377, 5,412) *5,835 Absorption Rate in weeks: 42 (41, 37, 38, 38) *46 Single Family Home Stats Active Single Family Home: 3,430 (3,388, 3,426, 3,531, 3,556) *3,933 Average Single Family Home List Price: $306,094 ($332k, $283k, $316k, $278k) *$301k Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $295,718 ($320k, $273k, $302k) *$290k Single Family Home Sale to List Ratio This Week: 97% (96%, 96%, 96%, 95%) *96% Median Single Family Home List Price: $279,000 ($290k, $260k, $265k, $253k) *$262k Median Single Family Home Sold Price: $270,000 ($283k, $245k, $260k, $243k) *$250k Average Days on Market Single Family Home: 98 (97, 94, 101, 102) *118 Condo Stats Active Condos: 478 (477, 479, 490, 502) *494 Average Condo Listing Price: $308,820 ($217k, $267k, $340k, $207k) *$244k Average Condo Selling Price: $298,930 ($211k, $257k, $330k, $199k) *$238k Condo Sale to List Ratio This Week: 97% (97%, 96%, 97%, 96%) *97% Median Condo List Price: $312,400 ($200k, $250k, $260k, $184k) *234k Median Condo Sold Price: $309,950 ($180k, $244k, $251k, $180k) *225k Average Days on Market Condos: 66 (116, 77, 96, 61) *144 Active Vacant Lots: 1,112 (1,098, 1,090, 1,087, 1,088) *1,093 MARKET RANT So I guess this week of September didn't get the memo that inventory usually continues its decent into the Winter months, since all products decided to add volume this week! Sometimes there's a bit of an "ebb and flow" as we settle into the slower time of the market year, so I have no doubts that this is one of those "off shot" kind of weeks. New listing additions continue to report lower week over week, and now that beginning of school week has ended, stats are coming around to their normal selves. Activity has also improved this week, although, it didn't quite get the report that last year did, which is a little bit unsettling. Again, the ebb and flow of our unpredictable market comes and goes, is both predictable and not so, but it is guaranteed to keep you guessing which way things will go. You'll have to stay tuned to find out, and to keep a pulse on the market here in Halifax. Thanks for stopping by! WEEKLY ADOPTABLE Jojo is a very sweet and fun loving fella. He would be ideal in an active home where someone can put in the time to house train him and take him on adventures to the parks, hiking, or possibly swimming! He has spent most of his life living outdoors and would love to learn how warm and cozy a home can be. With this though he will need someone understanding that will help teach him how to be an indoor doggy. A home with children 16 years of age or older is best for Jojo as he does have a good energy level and is still learning to keep his four feet on the ground. To help his new family and him with adjusting to this new lifestyle obedience is mandatory upon adoption. If you would like to see this fella please stop into our shelter to meet him and take him out for a nice stroll. This "cuddly companion" is available through the Dartmouth SPCA, a non profit rescue organization from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. More info about him, other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE LET ME HELP YOU OUT Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Don't forget to bookmark my page, and visit often! The Viewpoint Realty Interactive Property Map
VIEWPOINT REALTY Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty interactive real estate map? It's a powerful tool for all your property research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention, it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! Looking for a little extra help finding that "needle in a haystack"? The innovators at my brokerage, ViewPoint Realty, have introduced another forward-thinking information tool for your property search needs. Its called "neighbourhoods" and it will break down some stats and give you a more focused tool on the area(s) you are looking for. Check it out at viewpoint.ca and get more info now! Just another way Viewpoint Realty is advancing the property buying and selling process. Newest Blog post HERE Halifax (HRM) Residential Market Statistic Update for the Week of September 1st - 8th, 2016 (Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Previous Year's Stats Total Market New Listings: 252 (306, 228, 306, 316) *302 Sold: 85 (132, 153, 142, 148) *109 Sale To Listing Ratio: 34% (43%, 67%, 46%, 47%) *36% Price Changes: 167 (210, 215, 200, 259) *268 Listings that went conditional/pending: 124 (147, 148, 167, 164) *128 Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 286 (302, 115, 154, 115) *137 Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 5,233 (5,260, 5,377, 5,412, 5,421) *5,857 Absorption Rate in weeks: 41 (37, 38, 38, 38) *45 Single Family Home Stats Active Single Family Home: 3,388 (3,426, 3,531, 3,556, 3,570) *3,958 Average Single Family Home List Price: $331,992 ($283k, $316k, $278k, $275k) *$297k Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $320,326 ($273k, $302k, $265k) *$285k Single Family Home Sale to List Ratio This Week: 96% (96%, 96%, 95%, 95%) *96% Median Single Family Home List Price: $289,900 ($260k, $265k, $253k, $240k) *$260k Median Single Family Home Sold Price: $282,500 ($245k, $260k, $243k, $230k) *$250k Average Days on Market Single Family Home: 97 (94, 101, 102, 90) *101 Condo Stats Active Condos: 477 (479, 490, 502, 507) *501 Average Condo Listing Price: $216,566 ($267k, $340k, $207k, $242k) *$241k Average Condo Selling Price: $210,488 ($257k, $330k, $199k, $234k) *$233k Condo Sale to List Ratio This Week: 97% (96%, 97%, 96%, 97%) *97% Median Condo List Price: $199,900 ($250k, $260k, $184k, $210k) *225k Median Condo Sold Price: $180,000 ($244k, $251k, $180k, $205k) *215k Average Days on Market Condos: 116 (77, 96, 61, 65) *97 Active Vacant Lots: 1,098 (1,090, 1,087, 1,088, 1,072) *1,086 MARKET RANT Bit of a mixed market this week. Activity has definitely slowed down as we enter the Fall market, but there's still some signs of life left. Both new listings and weekly sales fell short this week and buyer activity reported down as well, falling well below the 200's averagely reported over the Summer months. The change in activity has also caused a small spike in the absorption rate, which could be caused by the inventory levels not dropping as quickly as the activity. All in all it was a great Summer. Nice weather and a busy market. As projected, the impact of the first half of the year was felt across all products, with a healthy return to some aspects of the market that had sorely been missed, sales being one of them. The lower week to week listing additions have been a strange occurrence, and buyers were met with a change in the market that they may not have been expecting, the lack of variety. Still, there is lots to chose from, and it might just be making some buyers compromise on some aspects of their purchase. In any case, it's good to see products moving, and at a rate that's encouraging. Looking forward to the Fall market and all the unknowns it brings! Be sure to stay tuned to stay on top of it all! Thanks for stopping by! WEEKLY ADOPTABLE Strider is striking, young amstaff and is hoping to find a new furever home. Strider came in with his friend Autumn and we do believe they've been together for a while - but neither of them seem to be comfortable with other dogs. Ideally his new home with have no other doggies (unless it's Autumn) or cats, but he would do very well with children as he's quite calm. This handsome boy is pretty high stress, so his new family will have to test out various ways to relieve him of his anxieties. Whether it be lots of daily exercise, mental stimulation or some sort of doggy sport. Strider would be so happy to work for his treats and return will give you lots of love and affection. If you're interested in meeting Strider, come on by today! This "cuddly companion" is available through Homeward Bound City Pound, a non profit rescue organization from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. More info about him, other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE LET ME HELP YOU OUT Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Don't forget to bookmark my page, and visit often! The Viewpoint Realty Interactive Property Map
VIEWPOINT REALTY Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty interactive real estate map? It's a powerful tool for all your property research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention, it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! Looking for a little extra help finding that "needle in a haystack"? The innovators at my brokerage, ViewPoint Realty, have introduced another forward-thinking information tool for your property search needs. Its called "neighbourhoods" and it will break down some stats and give you a more focused tool on the area(s) you are looking for. Check it out at viewpoint.ca and get more info now! Just another way Viewpoint Realty is advancing the property buying and selling process. Newest Blog post HERE Halifax (HRM) Residential Market Statistic Update for the Week of August 25th - September 1st, 2016 (Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Previous Year's Stats Total Market New Listings: 306 (228, 306, 316, 305) *279 Sold: 132 (153, 142, 148, 123) *125 Sale To Listing Ratio: 43% (67%, 46%, 47%, 40%) *45% Price Changes: 210 (215, 200, 259, 201) *266 Listings that went conditional/pending: 147 (148, 167, 164, 145) *141 Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 302 (115, 154, 115, 284) *293 Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 5,260 (5,377, 5,412, 5,421, 5,389) *5,830 Absorption Rate in weeks: 37 (38, 38, 38, 39) *44 Single Family Home Stats Active Single Family Home: 3,426 (3,531, 3,556, 3,570, 3,564) *3,938 Average Single Family Home List Price: $283,407 ($316k, $278k, $275k, $305k) *$293k Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $272,605 ($302k, $265k, $262k) *$278k Single Family Home Sale to List Ratio This Week: 96% (96%, 95%, 95%, 96%) *95% Median Single Family Home List Price: $259,888 ($265k, $253k, $240k, $285k) *$260k Median Single Family Home Sold Price: $245,000 ($260k, $243k, $230k, $274k) *$248k Average Days on Market Single Family Home: 94 (101, 102, 90, 98) *104 Condo Stats Active Condos: 479 (490, 502, 507, 493) *484 Average Condo Listing Price: $267,129 ($340k, $207k, $242k, $241k) *$249k Average Condo Selling Price: $257,207 ($330k, $199k, $234k, $232k) *$239k Condo Sale to List Ratio This Week: 96% (97%, 96%, 97%, 97%) *96% Median Condo List Price: $249,900 ($260k, $184k, $210k, $227k) *230k Median Condo Sold Price: $244,250 ($251k, $180k, $205k, $222k) *223k Average Days on Market Condos: 77 (96, 61, 65, 94) *97 Active Vacant Lots: 1,090 (1,087, 1,088, 1,072, 1,060) *1,097 MARKET RANT It has been quite the Summer! The usually sleepy Summer market has proven to be much more active than initially anticipated... for Buyers anyways. Sellers have really taken a step back from the market it appears, as the entire year has seen fewer weekly additions than recent previous years have reported. This could be influenced by the previous years markets, as Sellers flooded the market without knowing their current market environment, so Sellers in todays market might be better prepared to face the current conditions. One could almost speculate that the worst of our down trend is in the past, but the Halifax market is anything but predictable. All signs are pointing to a more balanced market, with Buyer activity holding fast and new product additions listing more competitively (somewhat). With the school year starting, activity around this time of year almost screeches to a halt for a few weeks, but that doesn't mean in stops for everyone. There are still many Buyers out there looking for properties, and with the inventory rapidly decreasing, the lack of selection and availability is becoming a real problem in some areas. Still, there does seem to be a lack of engagement from Buyers, but I can't help but think that some are waiting for the perfectly matched property that may never come? Buyer's mentality is "buyer's market", but that might not be quite accurate. Sure, it's still a "buyer's market", but not in some areas, and certainly not what it has been over the last few years. I know I will keep watching as things develop, so stay tuned and stay informed! WEEKLY ADOPTABLE Meet Nova. This sweet girl is just 7 months old. Shes vaccinated, spayed and microchipped. She is dog friendly but NO cats, and also comes fully house broken. She is also on parasite control. She loves doggy daycare but would prefer in her forever home to be the only pet as she is an attention hound and gets jealous if tehr wis just her and one pet. This "cuddly companion" is available through Good Bones Dog Rescue, a non profit rescue organization from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. More info about him, other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE LET ME HELP YOU OUT Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Don't forget to bookmark my page, and visit often! VIEWPOINT REALTY
Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty interactive real estate map? It's a powerful tool for all your property research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention, it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! Looking for a little extra help finding that "needle in a haystack"? The innovators at my brokerage, ViewPoint Realty, have introduced another forward-thinking information tool for your property search needs. Its called "neighbourhoods" and it will break down some stats and give you a more focused tool on the area(s) you are looking for. Check it out at viewpoint.ca and get more info now! Just another way Viewpoint Realty is advancing the property buying and selling process. Newest Blog post HERE |
Jeremiah Wallace, CDJeremiah has been involved with many aspects of the Real Estate industry for over fourteen years. This includes construction, residential renovations, interior design, and investing in various income generating property products.. ListingsPhoto's by Jeremiah
January 2025