Weekly Residential Market Statistic Update For Week of Dec 22nd to Dec 29th
New Listings: 83 (263, 303,283, 303) Sold: 30 (124, 122, 161, 129) Sale to List Ratio: 36% (47%, 40%, 57%, 43%) Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 86 (146, 148, 251, 107) Active Single Family Home: 2186 (2326, 2399, 2483, 2720) Average Single Family Home List Price: $264,000 ($269,278, $245,645, $281,035, $268,118) Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $256,488 ($262,120, $240,341, $274,561, $260,602) Average Days on Market - Single Family Home: 144 (96, 89, 131, 102) Active Condos: 250 (263, 269, 284, 306) Average Condo Listing Price: $184,600 ($251,280, $238,993, $229,413, $252,217) Average Condo Selling Price: $174,333 ($240,943, $232,500, $222,861, $241,894) Average Days on Market Condos: 78 (149, 140, 125, 172) As you could probably imagine, this week is the least active part of the market. So, I'm going to take this opportunity to wish all my clients, followers, site visitors, friends and associates a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Do you have a New Years resolution yet? If you do, I would like to hear what you have to say. Top 5 will make the stats update next week. Mine is to carve out fast, unhealthy food - which is hard to do when you're constantly on the go (and the fact that it's delicious). Stay tuned as the December stats will be released on New Years Day. Follow me on Twitter to stay current with all things Halifax Real Estate. Feel free to leave a public comment or question below or contact me for any personal inquiries. Newest Blog post HERE Weekly Residential Market Statistic Update For Week of Dec 8th to Dec 15th
New Listings: 263 (303,283, 303, 372) Sold: 124 (122, 161, 129, 133) Sale to List Ratio: 47% (40%, 57%, 43%, 36%) Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 146 (148, 251, 107, 129) Active Single Family Home: 2326 (2399, 2483, 2720, 2763) Average Single Family Home List Price: $269,278 ($245,645, $281,035, $268,118, $270,444) Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $262,120 ($240,341, $274,561, $260,602, $261,455) Average Days on Market - Single Family Home: 96 (89, 131, 102, 79) Active Condos: 263 (269, 284, 306, 318) Average Condo Listing Price: $251,280 ($238,993, $229,413, $252,217, $275,147) Average Condo Selling Price: $240,943 ($232,500, $222,861, $241,894, $267,630) Average Days on Market Condos: 149 (140, 125, 172, 187) The sales to list ratio climbs seven points this week to push the point home that we are still in a very active market. Sales remain high for this time of year despite the approaching Christmas holiday. It will be very interesting to see the December stats compaired to the years prior to see if we have another record breaking month like November. Make sure you follow me on Twitter to keep informed with all of Halifax and area news and information. Leave a public question or comment below and feel free to contact me for any personal inquiries. Newest blog post HERE Weekly Residential Market Statistic Update For Week of Dec 1st to Dec 8th
New Listings: 303 (283, 303, 372, 410) Sold: 122 (161, 129, 133, 158) Sale to List Ratio: 40% (57%, 43%, 36%, 39%) Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 148 (251, 107, 129, 321) Active Single Family Home: 2399 (2483, 2720, 2763, 2785) Average Single Family Home List Price: $245,645 ($281,035, $268,118, $270,444, $273,360) Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $240,341 ($274,561, $260,602, $261,455, $262,920) Average Days on Market - Single Family Home: 89 (131, 102, 79, 79) Active Condos: 269 (284, 306, 318, 332) Average Condo Listing Price: $238,993 ($229,413, $252,217, $275,147, $248,372) Average Condo Selling Price: $232,500 ($222,861, $241,894, $267,630, $240,996) Average Days on Market Condos: 140 (125, 172, 187, 96) As the holidays approach, market activity should taper off to a minimum. As you can see by the stats this week the market remains quite active despite the time of year. Not a record breaker by any means, but this weeks activity is more like the weather...warmer than usual with no signs of getting colder. Even with the abundance of new listings this week, the sold inventory was still able to keep the sales to list ratio fairly high. Make sure to check back this week as I will be releasing the monthly multi-residential report. Follow me on Twitter to stay informed with Halifax Real Estate news and my quirky adventures. Have a comment or question? Feel free to leave a public inquiry below or contact me for anything personal. Newest Blog post HERE Some interesting developments in the Halifax real estate market this month. Hot on the heels of the ship building announcement, the market has started to show a preview of possible things to come. As you can see by the chart, listing inventory is the lowest its been for November in the last six years and possibly further. Sales this month are nothing short of shocking. Not only have they eclipsed all sales for November, they almost matched the second hottest sales month this year. As you can see, the spike in sales this month goes against the grain of the typical Halifax market trend. Average Sold price remains strong this month, keeping this years "above previous years in value" trend. Average sold price settled in just over the 250k mark. Exciting stuff for a month that is typically lack luster and usually the sleepier time of the market trend. Stay tuned to the Blog to keep on top of the Halifax Real Estate market. Check back thursdays for the weekly market update and follow me on Twitter to stay on top of current Halifax Real Estate market news and information. As requested, the Multi Residential stats will be a permanent addition to the Blog and will be released shortly so check back frequently. Have a feature/Statistic/Topic that you would included? Let me know and I will try my best to include it in a future post. Feel free to leave a public comment or question below or contact me for any personal inquiries. Newest Blog post HERE Weekly Residential Market Statistic Update For Week of Nov 24th to Dec 1st
New Listings: 283 (303, 372, 410, 376) Sold: 161 (129, 133, 158, 111) Sale to List Ratio: 57% (43%, 36%, 39%, 30%) Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 251 (107, 129, 321, 123) Active Single Family Home: 2483 (2720, 2763, 2785, 2961) Average Single Family Home List Price: $281,035 ($268,118, $270,444, $273,360, $259,354) Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $274,561 ($260,602, $261,455, $262,920, $252,129) Average Days on Market - Single Family Home: 131 (102, 79, 79, 99) Active Condos: 284 (306, 318, 332, 329) Average Condo Listing Price: $229,413 ($252,217, $275,147, $248,372, $211,275) Average Condo Selling Price: $222,861 ($241,894, $267,630, $240,996, $204,673) Average Days on Market - Condos: 125 (172, 187, 96, 167) WOW! The sales to list ratio is higher than its been all year! As I have mentioned in previous posts, sometimes the most inconvenient time to sell is the best time to sell. With the warm weather holding out this year, buyers and sellers alike are squeezing the last drop out of this years Real Estate market. Inventory has dwindled down as per usual this year however, with the late sold inventory it will be interesting to see how the spring market is changed. Monthly Stats are on the way next and be sure to check back soon for the monthly Multi-Residential Market Update. Follow me on Twitter to stay up to date with the Halifax (HRM) Real Estate news and information. Feel free to leave me a public comment or question, personal inquiries can be directed HERE |
Jeremiah Wallace, CDJeremiah has been involved with many aspects of the Real Estate industry for over fourteen years. This includes construction, residential renovations, interior design, and investing in various income generating property products.. ListingsPhoto's by Jeremiah
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