Halifax (HRM) Residential Statistic Update for the Week of December 13th - December 20th, 2018 (Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Previous Year's Stats Total Market New/Back to Market Listings: 133 (148, 146, 147, 167) *141 Sold: 91 (113, 114, 98, 104) *112 Sale To Listing Ratio: 68% (76%, 78%, 67%, 62%) *79% Price Changes: 44 (107, 76, 73, 113) *53 Listings that went conditional/pending: 87 (84, 96, 109, 128) *94 Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 112 (91, 208, 75, 96) *163 Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 3,411 (3,469, 3,493, 3,622, 3,645) +3,676 Absorption Rate in weeks: 33 (32, 34, 35, 34) *32 Single Family Home Stats Active Single Family Home: 1,838 (1,878, 1,886, 1,975, 1,990) *1,988 Average Single Family Home List Price: $305,673 ($293k,$320k,$342k,$320k) *$330k Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $296,604 ($286k,$310k,$335k,$310k) *$317k Single Family Home Sale to List Ratio This Week: 97% (98%, 97%, 98%, 97%) *96% Median Single Family Home List Price (6 mo): $283,900 ($284k,$285k,$287k,$285k)*$279k Median Single Family Home Sold Price (6 mo):$278,700 ($279k,$280k,$280k,$280k)*$270k Average Days on Market Single Family Home: 53 (93, 70, 85, 101) *77 Condo Stats Active Condos: 275 (279, 289, 333, 338, 312) *355 Average Condo Listing Price: $205,661 ($288k, $277k, $240k, $221k) *$250k Average Condo Selling Price: $199,582 ($279k, $262, $235k, $217k) *$240k Condo Sale to List Ratio This Week: 97% (96%, 95%, 98%, 98%) 96% Median Condo List Price (6 mo): $229,900 ($234k, $230k, $230k, $231k) *$244k Median Condo Sold Price (6 mo): $225,000 ($225k, $225k, $225k, $225k) *$240k Average Days on Market Condos: 96 (119, 84, 64, 57) *98 Active Vacant Lots: 1,022 (1,015, 1,011, 1,031, 1,034) *961 Market Rant That inventory gap has almost closed! At the end of the market year we usually see this level dip to the annual low point, and this year is no different. With the biggest holiday's on the horizon, many take the opportunity to take a pause from their property needs and concentrate on other things. Just because the gap is narrowing, doesn't necessarily mean that we are headed in a backward direction, although, the market is unpredictable, so you never know what will be in store for the 2019 market year. I know many buyers would be happy if a few more options came to market, or to a lesser extent, fewer buyers to compete with. 2018 was a hard market year for some buyers, especially in peninsular Halifax, where multiple offers and quickly sold properties were very much a reality. This week is very reflective of last year at this time, and there are several stats reporting eerily alike. We're down in a few area's this week however, even if marginal, so the big question is how 2019 will respond. You will have to come back in the new year to find out, as the blog posts the 2018 market year summary! Thanks for stopping by! Happy Holidays! I just wanted to wish all my clients, friends, family and readers of the blog a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! The weekly market rant will return in 2019, with the 2018 market year summary! Be sure to stop by! The Weekly AdogtableMeet Lilly! Look at that face! What a beauty with a personality to match! She came into our care through no fault of her own and is eager to find a new place to call home. She is a sweet girl who likes to spend her time with her humans. In her time with us, Lilly has let us know she would prefer to be an only child, meaning the only animal in the home. Her ideal living situation would be in a house as opposed to an apartment or condo. Although she can come off quite aloof when you first meet her, she can become nervous - especially around small children. They're just too quick for her to keep up with! She would love to be in a home with older children, 12 and up. This "cuddly companion" is available through the NSSPCA, a non profit rescue organization from Halifax, Nova Scotia. More info about her and other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE LET ME HELP YOU OUT! Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Don't forget to bookmark my page, and visit often! VIEWPOINT REALTY
Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty interactive real estate map? It's a powerful tool for all your property research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention, it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! Looking for a little extra help finding that "needle in a haystack"? The innovators at my brokerage, ViewPoint Realty, have introduced another forward-thinking information tool for your property search needs. Its called "neighbourhoods" and it will break down some stats and give you a more focused tool on the area(s) you are looking for. We also offer mortgage and insurance solutions too! Check it out at viewpoint.ca and get more info now! Just another way Viewpoint Realty is advancing the property buying and selling process. Newest Blog post HERE Halifax (HRM) Residential Statistic Update for the Week of December 6th - December 13th, 2018 (Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Previous Year's Stats Total Market New/Back to Market Listings: 148 (146, 147, 167, 202) *160 Sold: 113 (114, 98, 104, 99) *96 Sale To Listing Ratio: 76% (78%, 67%, 62%, 49%) *43% Price Changes: 107 (76, 73, 113, 101) *73 Listings that went conditional/pending: 84 (96, 109, 128, 134) *109 Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 91 (208, 75, 96, 100) *116 Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 3,469 (3,493, 3,622, 3,645, 3,704) +3,781 Absorption Rate in weeks: 32 (34, 35, 34, 33) *33 Single Family Home Stats Active Single Family Home: 1,878 (1,886, 1,975, 1,990, 2,042) *2,061 Average Single Family Home List Price: $292,893 ($320k,$342k,$320k,$329k) *$334k Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $285,845 ($310k,$335k,$310k,$320k) *$321k Single Family Home Sale to List Ratio This Week: 98% (97%, 98%, 97%, 97%) *96% Median Single Family Home List Price (6 mo): $283,900 ($285k,$287k,$285k,$289k)*$279k Median Single Family Home Sold Price (6 mo):$278,500 ($280k,$280k,$280k,$280k)*$270k Average Days on Market Single Family Home: 93 (70, 85, 101, 115) *69 Condo Stats Active Condos: 279 (289, 333, 338, 312, 318) *369 Average Condo Listing Price: $287,900 ($277k, $240k, $221k, $286k) *$250k Average Condo Selling Price: $279,000 ($262, $235k, $217k, $281k) *$242k Condo Sale to List Ratio This Week: 96% (95%, 98%, 98%, 98%) 97% Median Condo List Price (6 mo): $233,800 ($230k, $230k, $231k, $235k) *$249k Median Condo Sold Price (6 mo): $225,000 ($225k, $225k, $225k, $225k) *$240k Average Days on Market Condos: 119 (84, 64, 57, 51) *97 Active Vacant Lots: 1,015 (1,011, 1,031, 1,034, 1,031) *964 Market Rant If it seems like the sales to list ratio has been unusually high lately, it's because it has been! For the third week in a row we are well above the average StL report, and well above the 50% mark, which is also really high for this time of year. The general feeling out there is that there's still a bulge of buyers hunting the market, and with lack of product availability (in certain areas and type), the few listings that do come to market get snapped up. The absorption is in alignment with this time last year, and the inventory overall has taken another step towards closing the gap as well, however, buyer interest is still at an all time high and seemingly more active. Ultimately, things are bound to cool off, even for a short time over the holiday's, and it will be interesting to see what 2019 has in store for our fair city. Stay tuned to the blog to stay on top of it all! Thanks for stopping by! The Weekly AdogtableThe Weekly Adogtable! Meet Pipsqueak. Such a sweetheart! Her perfect day would be a few walks, lots of back scratches, lounging in her bed or sitting next to you on the coach. She is approaching her senior years so will not require much other than your affection. This "cuddly companion" is available through the NSSPCA, a non profit rescue organization from Halifax, Nova Scotia. More info about her and other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE LET ME HELP YOU OUT! Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Don't forget to bookmark my page, and visit often! VIEWPOINT REALTY
Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty interactive real estate map? It's a powerful tool for all your property research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention, it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! Looking for a little extra help finding that "needle in a haystack"? The innovators at my brokerage, ViewPoint Realty, have introduced another forward-thinking information tool for your property search needs. Its called "neighbourhoods" and it will break down some stats and give you a more focused tool on the area(s) you are looking for. We also offer mortgage and insurance solutions too! Check it out at viewpoint.ca and get more info now! Just another way Viewpoint Realty is advancing the property buying and selling process. Newest Blog post HERE Halifax (HRM) Residential Statistic Update for the Week of November 29th - December 6th, 2018 (Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Previous Year's Stats Total Market New/Back to Market Listings: 146 (147, 167, 202, 268) *246 Sold: 114 (98, 104, 99, 111) *116 Sale To Listing Ratio: 78% (67%, 62%, 49%, 41%) *47% Price Changes: 76 (73, 113, 101, 126) *116 Listings that went conditional/pending: 96 (109, 128, 134, 147) *103 Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 208 (75, 96, 100, 203) *341 Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 3,493 (3,622, 3,645, 3,704, 3,732) +3,836 Absorption Rate in weeks: 34 (35, 34, 33, 31) *31 Single Family Home Stats Active Single Family Home: 1,886 (1,975, 1,990, 2,042, 2,078) *2,119 Average Single Family Home List Price: $319,993 ($342k,$320k,$329k,$336k) *$306k Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $309,539 ($335k,$310k,$320k,$321k) *$296k Single Family Home Sale to List Ratio This Week: 97% (98%, 97%, 97%, 96%) *97% Median Single Family Home List Price (6 mo): $284,900 ($287k,$285k,$289k,$289k)*$279k Median Single Family Home Sold Price (6 mo):$280,000 ($280k,$280k,$280k,$280k)*$270k Average Days on Market Single Family Home: 70 (85, 101, 115) *94 Condo Stats Active Condos: 289 (333, 338, 312, 318, 313) *374 Average Condo Listing Price: $276,900 ($240k, $221k, $286k, $253k) *$257k Average Condo Selling Price: $262,252 ($235k, $217k, $281k, $246k) *$247k Condo Sale to List Ratio This Week: 95% (98%, 98%, 98%, 97%) 96% Median Condo List Price (6 mo): $229,900 ($230k, $231k, $235k, $233k) *$246k Median Condo Sold Price (6 mo): $225,000 ($225k, $225k, $225k, $225k) *$239k Average Days on Market Condos: 84 (64, 57, 51, 87) *65 Active Vacant Lots: 1,011 (1,031, 1,034, 1,031, 1,023) *958 Market Rant For such an active market, there was certainly quite a few listings that had to expire or pull from the market this week, which is definitely not helping out those buyers still looking for their property. Most properties currently on the market are leftovers from the summer/fall market, and there’s usually a reason those get left behind for things like price and/or condition. Location also plays a part, but in the HRM, anything priced right is still moving. As we approach Christmas we will hit the lowest selection of inventory of the year. Things usually pick up right afterwards for a short surge in Jan/Feb, then dies off again for a couple months due to peak winter weather. Inventory has been an a bit finicky this year though. Lots of buyers, but the property additions to the market have been below average, creating the current balanced/seller’s market we are currently in. Anything remotely priced accordingly, and in good condition are being snapped up, so it’s important a constant watch on the areas of interest. Sellers to this market are likely being surprised by the amount of activity they are receiving for the time of year, but the question is; how will 2019 take this momentum? YOu'll have to stay tuned to the blog to find out! Thanks for stopping by! The Weekly Adogtable!Hi my name is Paris and I am a two year old American bully (bulldog) princess. I am an adoptable dog with the good bones dog rescue . I am completely deaf but my foster mom has taught me some sign commands and I have caught on fast but need practice outside with distractions. I am fully vetted and absolutely irresistible. I will need a human with patience because I am special and someone with bully experience would be best. No apts or condos for me because I use my cute little bark to communicate and gain your attention. Kids are okay as long as 6+ only because she is very muscular and solid. A fenced yard would be perfect so I can play and run freely. I can run fast even with my short legs. I would absolutely love to be the only pet in my house because I am a princess. I will share my bed, toys, treats and food with dogs but in no way am I letting another dog steal my mom. I will chase you away. Right now I have dog friends (a lab and golden retriever) that I walk and play chase with . Dog friends outside my castle are fine but I don’t want you moving in. Deal? I rush to meet doggie friends, because I am so excitable outside, so that can be intimidating. No offleash for me as I chase leaves or anything that catches my eye and since I am deaf I won’t hear you calling me back. I am very short and muscular (quite the little tank) so I could inadvertently knock a little person over with my uncoordinated running style. I have quite a bit of energy to burn before spending time inside and I love the outdoors. I could walk all day . In the house I like training sessions and stimulating toys so I don’t get bored. Did I mention I absolutely love cuddling? This "cuddly companion" is available through Good Bones Dog Rescue, a non profit rescue organization from Halifax, Nova Scotia. More info about her and other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE LET ME HELP YOU OUT! Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Don't forget to bookmark my page, and visit often! VIEWPOINT REALTY
Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty interactive real estate map? It's a powerful tool for all your property research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention, it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! Looking for a little extra help finding that "needle in a haystack"? The innovators at my brokerage, ViewPoint Realty, have introduced another forward-thinking information tool for your property search needs. Its called "neighbourhoods" and it will break down some stats and give you a more focused tool on the area(s) you are looking for. We also offer mortgage and insurance solutions too! Check it out at viewpoint.ca and get more info now! Just another way Viewpoint Realty is advancing the property buying and selling process. Newest Blog post HERE |
Jeremiah Wallace, CDJeremiah has been involved with many aspects of the Real Estate industry for over fourteen years. This includes construction, residential renovations, interior design, and investing in various income generating property products.. ListingsPhoto's by Jeremiah
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