For the week of November 10th to November 17th 2011
Previous weeks stats in brackets New Listings: 303 (372, 410, 376, 397) Sold: 129 (133, 158, 111, 126) Sale to List Ratio: 43% (36%, 39%, 30%, 32%) Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 107 (129, 321, 123, 149) Active Single Family Home: 2720 (2763, 2785, 2961, 2986) Average Single Family Home List Price: $268,118($270,444, $273,360, $259,354, $285,399) Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $260,602($261,455, $262,920, $252,129, $275,291) Average Days on Market - Single Family Home: 102 (79, 79, 99, 100) Active Condos: 306 (318, 332, 329, 339) Average Condo Listing Price: $252,217($275,147, $248,372, $211,275, $194,254) Average Condo Selling Price: $241,894($267,630, $240,996, $204,673, $189,523) Average Days on Market - Condos: 172 (187, 96, 167, 56, 138) With no signs of slowing, the end of year market activity remains quite active. A lower amount of new listings and a steady flow of sales this week brought the sales to list ratio higher than its been in a while. Housing inventory continues to dwindle as we approach December however, there is still many active buyers in the area looking for the home/investment that suits them. Small window of a "Sellers Market" or natural market progression? Sometimes the best time to sell is the most inconvenient time to sell! Check back frequently to stay on top of the Halifax Real Estate Market. Follow me on Twitter to receive instant Halifax Real Estate news and updates. Feel free to leave a public comment/question below or CONTACT ME for personal inquiries. For the week of November 3rd to November 10th 2011
Previous weeks stats in brackets New Listings: 372 (410, 376, 397, 368) Sold: 133 (158, 111, 126, 116) Sale to List Ratio: 36% (39%, 30%, 32%, %32) Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 129 (321, 123, 149, 145) Active Single Family Home: 2763 (2785, 2961, 2986, 3011) Average Single Family Home List Price: $270,444($273,360, $259,354, $285,399, $287.019) Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $261,455($262,920, $252,129, $275,291, $274,126) Average Days on Market - Single Family Home: 79 (79, 99, 100, 91) Active Condos: 318 (332, 329, 339, 333) Average Condo Listing Price: $275,147($248,372, $211,275, $194,265, $247,426) Average Condo Selling Price: $267,630($240,996, $204,673, $189,523, $240,294) Average Days on Market - Condos: 187 (96, 167, 56, 138) The warm weather this week was reflective of the Halifax real estate market this week. With no signs of slowing, the stats remain strong for this time of year. Even with the the larger than usual amount of new listings, both the condo and SFH inventory reduced this week thanks to strong sales. Condo investment/development is the hot topic of the week with lack of inventory choice for the condo buyer. Many select areas have next to no availability and any units that had become available are now under offer. Make sure to check back frequently for Halifax Condo and Housing news. Follow me on Twitter to get the most recent updates and check back each Thursday to stay informed with the market. Feel free to leave a public comment or question or CONTACT ME for any personal information requests. Newest blog post HERE For the week of October 27th to November 3rd 2011
Previous weeks stats in brackets New Listings: 410 (376,397, 368, 414) Sold: 158 (111, 126, 116, 128) Sale to List Ratio: 39% (30%, 32%, %32, 31%) Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 321 (123, 149, 145, 343) Active Single Family Home: 2795 (2961, 2986, 3011, 3004) Average Single Family Home List Price: $273,360($259,354, $285,399, $287.019, $256,696) Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $262,920 ($252,129, $275,291, $274,126, $247,369) Average Days on Market - Single Family Home: 79 (99, 100, 91. 89) Active Condos: 332 (329, 339, 333, 341) Average Condo Listing Price: $248,372 ($211,275, $194,265, $247,426, $238,343) Average Condo Selling Price: $240,996 ($204,673, $189,523, $240,294, $230,743) Average Days on Market - Condos: 96 (167, 56, 138, 45) Some strong numbers to talk about this week. Usually the market statistics tend to decrease in most aas the winter months approach however, the "Ships Start Here" contract might have sparked some early market activity (see my earlier blog prediction). The Sales to List ratio is the highest its been in weeks and the sales are also quite high for this time of year. Lots of new listings this week which reflects the first of the month expired listings renewal routine. Time will tell if this is just early market excitement or the beginning of the new market trend. If you missed it, I reported on multi-residential listings (scroll down) earlier this week with some interesting facts, graphs and statistics about this market type. I also published the October Residential Market Monthly Stats on Tuesday (scroll down to view). Check Back frequently to stay on top of the Halifax Real Estate Market. Follow me on Twitter to have instant market news and updates as we progress through these exciting times! Feel free to leave a public comment or question to the Blog or CONTACT ME directly for personal comments or questions. Newest Blog post HERE Here are the Residential statistics for the Halifax/Dartmouth area for October Residential property inventory remains fairly high this month and comes in third position for having the least amount of October units in the past five years. With a strong final sales week in October, it was enough to rebound from the bottom and take 3rd place of least amount of sold october inventory in the last 5 years. Average selling prices remain strong this month and still topples the last five years by a decent margin. The Halifax average median home price sits at the 243k mark this month. The race remains close between this year and last however, this will be the stat to keep an eye on as the new year competes. Nothing really out of the ordinary to report as of yet, but I'm confident that the future will hold many surprises for the residents of Halifax with the Ship Building contract secured. As I reported earlier, the market seems very calm on the surface but underneath is a flurry of activity. Yesterday I posted part one of a two part blog about the Halifax multi-residential market. Part two, vacant land, will be featured next Monday. Scroll down to view part 1. Make sure you come back Thursday for the weekly Real Estate Update and follow me on Twitter for instant market information and news. Feel free to leave a public question or comment below or Contact Me with a personal comment or question. Newest blog post HERE |
Jeremiah Wallace, CDJeremiah has been involved with many aspects of the Real Estate industry for over fourteen years. This includes construction, residential renovations, interior design, and investing in various income generating property products.. ListingsPhoto's by Jeremiah
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