Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Previous Year's Stats Total Market New/Back to Market Listings: 155 (174, 173, 204, 209) *147 Sold: 96 (107, 119, 119, 117) *96 Sale To Listing Ratio: 62% (62%, 69%, 58%, 56%) *65% Price Changes: 62 (102, 97, 103, 116) *69 Conditional Sale: 89 (126, 113, 120, 135) *113 Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 46 (48, 42, 71, 140) *123 Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 1,526 (1,532, 1,544, 1,536, 1,525) *1,207 Absorption Rate in weeks: 14 (13, 13, 13, 13) *12 Single Family Home Stats Active Single Family Home: 806 (811, 814, 813, 809) *596 Average Single Family Home List Price: $603,125 ($527k,$524k,$574k,$544k) *$473k Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $601,117 ($518k,$520k,$570k,$545k) *$471k Single Family Home Sale to List Ratio This Week: 99% (98%, 99%, 99%, 100%) *99% Median Single Family Home List Price (6 mo):$519,900 ($519k,$520k,$520k,$520k) *$460k Median Single Family Home Sold Price(6 mo):$530,000 ($530k,$532k,$535k,$535k)*$477k Average Days on Market Single Family Home: 33 (25, 33, 31, 27) *38 Condo Stats Active Condos: 130 (126, 126, 127, 124) *84 Average Condo Listing Price: $477,933 ($478k, $415k, $348k, $493k) *$368k Average Condo Selling Price: $484,837 ($471k, $416k, $345k, $492k) *$361k Condo Sale to List Ratio This Week: 101% (99%, 100%, 99%, 99%) *98% Median Condo List Price (6 mo): $439,700 ($430k, $430k, $430k, $430k) *$395k Median Condo Sold Price (6 mo): $442,750 ($439k, $440k, $440k) *$390k Average Days on Market Condos: 32 (88, 27, 38, 31) *11 Active Vacant Lots: 415 (420, 424, 416, 407) *394 Market Rant The end of the year wind down is on! Few skips along the way, a last minute rush, and an inventory count that has been rather resilient right up until the end of the 4th quarter. With December on the horizon, expect the stats to continue their decent until the end of the month, which should see the lowest report of the year...should. With the way the last few years have tracked, it's anyones guess on how December will report, but it usually bottoms out at the end of the year, then kicks it up a notch as soon as the new year breaks. There are a lot of similarities from last years market at this time and now, but the the one stat that has not balanced yet are product values. I wouldn't bet on them meeting anytime soon, but the spread from last year this time time to now is definitely much closer than the last couple of years. The expectation is that values will continue to plateau and inventory to rise, creating a balanced market in most areas of HRM. That being said, that was the projection at this time last year as well, only for January to kick off with a bang and carry on with another solid Sellers market in many areas of the city. Perhaps it's the final throws of the pandemic market, but the reality is that we are now in a post-pandemic market, on track to get back to a pre-pandemic Halifax market, activity wise anyways (not values). Only time will tell, but the yearly summary should be another interesting one this year, so be sure to stay tuned to the blog as we finish up the remainder if the market year! Thanks for stopping by! The Weekly "Adogtable"This "cuddly companion" is available through Good Bones Dog Rescue, a non profit rescue organization from Nova Scotia. More info about her and other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE Looking to help? With the devastation of the fires and floods, we are still far from a full recovery and many animals and people could use help! I want to provide links to various shelters and rescues that could use your support. Donations of pet supplies, food, money, basically anything can help! Good Bones Dog Rescue Nova Scotia SPCA Bide Awhile Animal Shelter Halifax Veterinary Hospital If you have a suggestion to be added to the support list, do not hesitate to contact me! LET ME HELP YOU OUT! Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Don't forget to bookmark my page, and visit often! VIEWPOINT REALTY
Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty interactive real estate map? It's a powerful tool for all your property research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention, it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! Looking for a little extra help finding that "needle in a haystack"? The innovators at my brokerage, ViewPoint Realty, have introduced another forward-thinking information tool for your property search needs. Its called "neighbourhoods" and it will break down some stats and give you a more focused tool on the area(s) you are looking for. We also offer mortgage and insurance solutions too! Check it out at and get more info now! Just another way Viewpoint Realty is advancing the property buying and selling process. Newest Blog post HERE Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Previous Year's Stats Total Market New/Back to Market Listings: 174 (173, 204, 209, 243) *192 Sold: 107 (119, 119, 117, 119) *98 Sale To Listing Ratio: 62% (69%, 58%, 56%, 49%) *51% Price Changes: 102 (97, 103, 116, 132) *70 Conditional Sale: 126 (113, 120, 135, 168) *143 Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 48 (42, 71, 140, 47) *49 Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 1,532 (1,544, 1,536, 1,525) *1,285 Absorption Rate in weeks: 13 (13, 13, 13, 14) *13 Single Family Home Stats Active Single Family Home: 811 (814, 813, 809, 834) *635 Average Single Family Home List Price: $526,651 ($524k,$574k,$544k,$568k) *$475k Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $518,066 ($520k,$570k,$545k,$569k) *$470k Single Family Home Sale to List Ratio This Week: 98% (99%, 99%, 100%, 101%) *99% Median Single Family Home List Price (6 mo):$519,000 ($520k,$520k,$520k,$525k) *$460k Median Single Family Home Sold Price(6 mo):$530,000 ($532k,$535k,$535k,$536k)*$480k Average Days on Market Single Family Home: 25 (33, 31, 27, 32) *31 Condo Stats Active Condos: 126 (126, 127, 124, 126) *97 Average Condo Listing Price: $478,044 ($415k, $348k, $493k, $444k) *$425k Average Condo Selling Price: $471,066 ($416k, $345k, $492k, $433k) *$429k Condo Sale to List Ratio This Week: 99% (100%, 99%, 99%, 98%) *101% Median Condo List Price (6 mo): $429,900 ($430k, $430k, $430k, $430k) *$395k Median Condo Sold Price (6 mo): $440,000 ($439k, $440k, $440k, $444k) *$390k Average Days on Market Condos: 88 (27, 38, 31, 20) *23 Active Vacant Lots: 420 (424, 416, 407, 431) *412 Market Rant Activity reluctancy continues its decent as we approach the colder months of the year, but there are still mixed reports with what is happening vs what should be happening. The Halifax market is still pushing right along, and although inventory continues to fluctuate, buyer active remains steady. The continued lower product additions this year and increased buyer tempo have really made for an interesting market environment, and one that has been stumping quite a few buyers out there. Waiting for "the one" has often turned into "the available one", with buyers conceding a few more items from the "must have list", but with the market changing, there has been a few less items that buyers need to strike off the list to make it an option. That, or they are more that willing to wait it out, knowing that more options will be on the way. which is certainly a different experience from the last few years. It's still a surprise to some sellers to hear the changed dynamic of our marketplace, and of course, its a welcomed change to Buyers. Inventory levels from this year to last has continued to increase over the last few months, which has been a strange happening, but it will create a padding for the new market year when things heat up again. As mentioned in a previous post, this time of year does have an annual trend of reducing to the inventory low point which bottoms out right around Christmas, so this is a normal event. It'll be a nail biter right to the buzzer I think, so stay tuned to catch the final chapter in the Halifax market year. Thanks for stopping by! The Weekly "Adogtable"This "cuddly companion" is available through Good Bones Dog Rescue, a non profit rescue organization from Nova Scotia. More info about her and other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE Looking to help? With the devastation of the fires and floods, we are still far from a full recovery and many animals and people could use help! I want to provide links to various shelters and rescues that could use your support. Donations of pet supplies, food, money, basically anything can help! Good Bones Dog Rescue Nova Scotia SPCA Bide Awhile Animal Shelter Halifax Veterinary Hospital If you have a suggestion to be added to the support list, do not hesitate to contact me! LET ME HELP YOU OUT! Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Don't forget to bookmark my page, and visit often! VIEWPOINT REALTY
Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty interactive real estate map? It's a powerful tool for all your property research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention, it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! Looking for a little extra help finding that "needle in a haystack"? The innovators at my brokerage, ViewPoint Realty, have introduced another forward-thinking information tool for your property search needs. Its called "neighbourhoods" and it will break down some stats and give you a more focused tool on the area(s) you are looking for. We also offer mortgage and insurance solutions too! Check it out at and get more info now! Just another way Viewpoint Realty is advancing the property buying and selling process. Newest Blog post HERE Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Previous Year's Stats Total Market New/Back to Market Listings: 173 (204, 209, 243, 269) *124 Sold: 119 (119, 117, 119, 123) *87 Sale To Listing Ratio: 69% (58%, 56%, 49%, 46%) *70% Price Changes: 97 (103, 116, 132, 141) *61 Conditional Sale: 113 (120, 135, 168, 152) *105 Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 42 (71, 140, 47, 58) *54 Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 1,544 (1,536, 1,525, 1,583) *1,269 Absorption Rate in weeks: 13 (13, 13, 14, 14) *12 Single Family Home Stats Active Single Family Home: 814 (813, 809, 834, 834) *627 Average Single Family Home List Price: $524,271 ($574k,$544k,$568k,$548k) *$460k Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $520,113 ($570k,$545k,$569k,$552k) *$454k Single Family Home Sale to List Ratio This Week: 99% (99%, 100%, 101%, 101%) *99% Median Single Family Home List Price (6 mo):$519,900 ($520k,$520k,$525k,$525k) *$450k Median Single Family Home Sold Price(6 mo):$531,675 ($535k,$535k,$536k,$537k)*$485k Average Days on Market Single Family Home: 33 (31, 27, 32, 23) *35 Condo Stats Active Condos: 126 (127, 124, 126, 128) *96 Average Condo Listing Price: $414,637 ($348k, $493k, $444k, $530k) *$486k Average Condo Selling Price: $415,506 ($345k, $492k, $433k, $517k) *$479k Condo Sale to List Ratio This Week: 100% (99%, 99%, 98%, 98%) *99% Median Condo List Price (6 mo): $429,900 ($430k, $430k, $430k, $430k) *$390k Median Condo Sold Price (6 mo): $439,000 ($440k, $440k, $444k, $443k) *$395k Average Days on Market Condos: 27 (38, 31, 20, 22) *26 Active Vacant Lots: 424 (416, 407, 431, 428) *407 Market Rant After one week of inventory reduction a couple weeks ago, the anticipation was that we would see annual trend take over and continue the reductions week to week until we hit the bottom. Turns out that was just an irregular week, because we are back to adding products to the market! The gains aren't huge, but noticeable since we should be headed in the opposite direction around this time of year, thanks to the the above average amount of new listings that poured to market this weekt. Average values in both tracked values continue to reduce, which is common for this time of year, but could also be due to the current market environment. With more listings coming to market, and seasonal tepid buyer activity, sellers are likely not met with the same vigour as earlier this year which will cause prices to kick down to meet the demand, or lack thereof. Single family homes sold, on average, below the asking price, which is something that hasn't been all that common this year but will likely continue to happen as the market cools. Holiday weekends tend to skew the numbers a bit, so perhaps a few of these anomalies can be chalked up to timing, we will need to take a closer look next week to confirm things. Good news is that I have you covered, so be sure to check in, and stay informed! Thanks for stopping by! The Weekly "Adogtable"This "cuddly companion" is available through Good Bones Dog Rescue, a non profit rescue organization from Nova Scotia. More info about him and other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE Looking to help? With the devastation of the fires and floods, we are still far from a full recovery and many animals and people could use help! I want to provide links to various shelters and rescues that could use your support. Donations of pet supplies, food, money, basically anything can help! Good Bones Dog Rescue Nova Scotia SPCA Bide Awhile Animal Shelter Halifax Veterinary Hospital If you have a suggestion to be added to the support list, do not hesitate to contact me! LET ME HELP YOU OUT! Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Don't forget to bookmark my page, and visit often! VIEWPOINT REALTY
Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty interactive real estate map? It's a powerful tool for all your property research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention, it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! Looking for a little extra help finding that "needle in a haystack"? The innovators at my brokerage, ViewPoint Realty, have introduced another forward-thinking information tool for your property search needs. Its called "neighbourhoods" and it will break down some stats and give you a more focused tool on the area(s) you are looking for. We also offer mortgage and insurance solutions too! Check it out at and get more info now! Just another way Viewpoint Realty is advancing the property buying and selling process. Newest Blog post HERE Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Previous Year's Stats Total Market New/Back to Market Listings: 204 (209, 243, 269, 216) *181 Sold: 119 (117, 119, 123, 98) *131 Sale To Listing Ratio: 58% (56%, 49%, 46%, 45%) *72% Price Changes: 103 (116, 132, 141, 92) *85 Conditional Sale: 120 (135, 168, 152, 113) *125 Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 71 (140, 47, 58, 39) *48 Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 1,536 (1,525, 1,583, 1,585, 1,521) *1,299 Absorption Rate in weeks: 13 (13, 14, 14, 14) *12 Single Family Home Stats Active Single Family Home: 813 (809, 834, 834, 792) *640 Average Single Family Home List Price: $574,366 ($544k,$568k,$548k,$537k) *$519k Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $570,352 ($545k,$569k,$552k,$539k) *$512k Single Family Home Sale to List Ratio This Week: 99% (100%, 101%, 101%,101%) *99% Median Single Family Home List Price (6 mo):$519,900 ($520k,$525k,$525k,$525k) *$460k Median Single Family Home Sold Price(6 mo):$535,050 ($535k,$536k,$537k,$540k)*$490k Average Days on Market Single Family Home: 31 (27, 32, 23, 32) *31 Condo Stats Active Condos: 127 (124, 126, 128, 122) *99 Average Condo Listing Price: $348,400 ($493k, $444k, $530k, $505k) *$455k Average Condo Selling Price: $345,125 ($492k, $433k, $517k, $511k) *$441k Condo Sale to List Ratio This Week: 99% (99%, 98%, 98%, 101%) *97% Median Condo List Price (6 mo): $429,950 ($430k, $430k, $430k, $430k) *$390k Median Condo Sold Price (6 mo): $440,000 ($440k, $444k, $443k, $440k) *$400k Average Days on Market Condos: 38 (31, 20, 22, 34) *22 Active Vacant Lots: 416 (407, 431, 428, 426) *415 Market Rant Bit of an average week this week, and not many call outs from there reported statistics, so let's have a look at where we are so far as we approach the end of the year. Much like last year, there was quite a few ups and downs. Where 2022 had more drastic downs than ups, this year seemed to have more frequent fluctuations, just not as significant in volume as 2022. Last year, the 4th quarter recovered a tad from the huge drop that happened after the Spring with a lot of folks considered the Fall of 22 to be the turning point in the market finally, and predicted that things would continue to cool post Winter and into 23. Well, the opposite actually happened, with January taking off like a rocket ship and not landing until the halfway point of this market year. Another thing that happened this year was the stabilization for prices. Now, don't get me wrong, this is still an ongoing affair with prices, mostly in the "improvement" area, but for the most part, a new value line had been drawn as the dust settled. For a recovery year, however, this year proved to have a rather elusive market. Just when it was cooling, it didn't, and when you thought things were heating up again, it fizzled. Buyers confidence did return this year though, and seeing property sell under asking price started to occur again. The lack of desperation faded as inventory started to climb, and buyers finally started to see tangible metrics to gauge where they should be bidding. There was, and always has been areas and price points of exception, so I think it will be noted that 2023 ended in the closest to a traditional Halifax market as we have seen since 2019. All eyes train to the new year, but we still have some gas in the tank yet, so stay tuned to the blog and see just how the market will conclude this year. Thanks for stopping by! The Weekly "Adogtable"This "cuddly companion" is available through Good Bones Dog Rescue, a non profit rescue organization from Nova Scotia. More info about him and other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE Looking to help? With the devastation of the fires and floods, we are still far from a full recovery and many animals and people could use help! I want to provide links to various shelters and rescues that could use your support. Donations of pet supplies, food, money, basically anything can help! Good Bones Dog Rescue Nova Scotia SPCA Bide Awhile Animal Shelter Halifax Veterinary Hospital If you have a suggestion to be added to the support list, do not hesitate to contact me! LET ME HELP YOU OUT! Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Don't forget to bookmark my page, and visit often! Remembrance Day Lots of activities Saturday, and plenty of options for your chance to go a take in a remembrance day service. Some ideas can be found here, but all you need to do is pop down to a legion around 10:30am to take in the service. Lest we forget. VIEWPOINT REALTY
Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty interactive real estate map? It's a powerful tool for all your property research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention, it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! Looking for a little extra help finding that "needle in a haystack"? The innovators at my brokerage, ViewPoint Realty, have introduced another forward-thinking information tool for your property search needs. Its called "neighbourhoods" and it will break down some stats and give you a more focused tool on the area(s) you are looking for. We also offer mortgage and insurance solutions too! Check it out at and get more info now! Just another way Viewpoint Realty is advancing the property buying and selling process. Newest Blog post HERE Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Previous Year's Stats Total Market New/Back to Market Listings: 209 (243, 269, 216, 260) *169 Sold: 117 (119, 123, 98, 116) *91 Sale To Listing Ratio: 56% (49%, 46%, 45%, 45%) *54% Price Changes: 116 (132, 141, 92, 135) *118 Conditional Sale: 135 (168, 152, 113, 174) *128 Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 140 (47, 58, 39, 114) *112 Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 1,525 (1,583, 1,585, 1,521, 1,499) *1,280 Absorption Rate in weeks: 13 (14, 14, 14, 13) *12 Single Family Home Stats Active Single Family Home: 809 (834, 834, 792, 768) *640 Average Single Family Home List Price: $544,198 ($568k,$548k,$537k,$555k) *$545k Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $544,601 ($569k,$552k,$539k,$561k) *$540k Single Family Home Sale to List Ratio This Week: 100% (101%, 101%,101%, 101%) *99% Median Single Family Home List Price (6 mo):$519,900 ($525k,$525k,$525k,$529k) *$460k Median Single Family Home Sold Price(6 mo):$535,000 ($536k,$537k,$540k,$545k)*$500k Average Days on Market Single Family Home: 27 (32, 23, 32, 23) *26 Condo Stats Active Condos: 124 (126, 128, 122, 129) *106 Average Condo Listing Price: $492,728 ($444k, $530k, $505k, $462k) *$455k Average Condo Selling Price: $492,378 ($433k, $517k, $511k, $460k) *$449k Condo Sale to List Ratio This Week: 99% (98%, 98%, 101%, 99%) *99% Median Condo List Price (6 mo): $429,950 ($430k, $430k, $430k, $430k) *$387k Median Condo Sold Price (6 mo): $440,000 ($444k, $443k, $440k, $440k) *$400k Average Days on Market Condos: 31 (20, 22, 34, 13) *23 Active Vacant Lots: 407 (431, 428, 426, 423) *405 Market Rant There it is! After a rather surprising fourth quarter inventory surge, it appears as though annual trend has taken hold... for this week at least. The reduction could have also been helped along by the significant amount of products that retreated from the market this week, which reported significantly higher than previous months, and also higher than last year at this time. Some of those listings may reactivate this week to lessen the impact, but this is also a natural "ebb and flow" of our market around this time of year. So, all tracked products reduced this week, and values along with them. The gap from last year to this year is still rather large, but not as wide as it has been, especially when it comes to selling prices. Headed into the grey months, so reports will be static and irregular (usually), but there is still time to have a late push to the year. Usually, we see activity slow right down around this time of year, but there are still those making the final push to get into a property before the holiday season. Eyes are starting to train on 2024, and there is lots of speculation on how that market year will report, which is anyones guess at this point, but look to the stats in January to get an indication of how things will go. Last year was crickets around this time, then launched into activity that was surprisingly similar to the pandemic market, to everyones surprise in January, so the question is repeat?. Not sure if 2024 has the same legs, but you will have to stay tuned to the blog to find out! Thanks for stopping by! The Weekly "Adogtable"This "cuddly companion" is available through Good Bones Dog Rescue, a non profit rescue organization from Nova Scotia. More info about him and other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE Looking to help? With the devastation of the fires and floods, we are still far from a full recovery and many animals and people could use help! I want to provide links to various shelters and rescues that could use your support. Donations of pet supplies, food, money, basically anything can help! Good Bones Dog Rescue Nova Scotia SPCA Bide Awhile Animal Shelter Halifax Veterinary Hospital If you have a suggestion to be added to the support list, do not hesitate to contact me! LET ME HELP YOU OUT! Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Don't forget to bookmark my page, and visit often! VIEWPOINT REALTY
Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty interactive real estate map? It's a powerful tool for all your property research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention, it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! Looking for a little extra help finding that "needle in a haystack"? The innovators at my brokerage, ViewPoint Realty, have introduced another forward-thinking information tool for your property search needs. Its called "neighbourhoods" and it will break down some stats and give you a more focused tool on the area(s) you are looking for. We also offer mortgage and insurance solutions too! Check it out at and get more info now! Just another way Viewpoint Realty is advancing the property buying and selling process. Newest Blog post HERE |
Jeremiah Wallace, CDJeremiah has been involved with many aspects of the Real Estate industry for over fourteen years. This includes construction, residential renovations, interior design, and investing in various income generating property products.. ListingsPhoto's by Jeremiah
January 2025