Halifax (HRM) Residential Market Statistic Update for the Week of June 16th - June 23rd 2016 (Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Previous Year's Stats Total Market New Listings: 403 (356, 397, 382, 355) *351 Sold: 165 (168, 171, 171, 148) *165 Sale To Listing Ratio: 41% (47%, 43%, 45%, 42%) *47% Price Changes: 287 (302, 329, 333, 245) *349 Listings that went conditional/pending: 170 (172, 203, 208, 184) *178 Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 161 (114, 148, 231, 125) *90 Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 5,518 (5,455, 5,377, 5,319, 5,621) *5,798 Absorption Rate in weeks: 33 (33, 33, 33, 35) *33 Single Family Home Stats Active Single Family Home: 3,652 (3,653, 3,605, 3,576, 3,571) *4,263 Average Single Family Home List Price: $296,328 ($311k, $307k, $297k, $295k) *$305k Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $286,786 ($302k, $299k, $288k, $287k) *$291k Single Family Home Sale to List Ratio This Week: 97% (97%, 97%, 97%, 97%) *96% Median Single Family Home List Price: $259,900 ($279k, $285k, $276k, $280k) *$265k Median Single Family Home Sold Price: $252,000 ($272k, $277k, $272k, $278k) *$258k Average Days on Market Single Family Home: 73 (78, 80, 81, 95) *107 Condo Stats Active Condos: 504 (494, 486, 478, 474) *577 Average Condo Listing Price: $234,556 ($224k, $232k, $225k, $295k) *$249k Average Condo Selling Price: $226,007 ($216k, $224k, $218k, $282k) *$239k Condo Sale to List Ratio This Week: 96% (97%, 96%, 97%, 95%) *96% Median Condo List Price: $217,900 ($210k, $232k, $200k, $282k) *235k Median Condo Sold Price: $205,162 ($204k, $220k, $188k, $276k) *227k Average Days on Market Condos: 176 (85, 75, 42, 133) *103 Active Vacant Lots: 1,094 (1,043, 1,030, 1,023, 1,027) *1,005 MARKET RANT Activity remains steady this week as we tip into the first week of Summer. Not a huge bump in the overall inventory level for the time of year, but the new weekly additions reported higher than average (cresting above the 400 mark for the first time in a while) puffing up the stats for the week. Sales remain average, as does the majority of the other statistics, which may indicate the approach to the peak of the market year. Values across the board are holding fast but still reporting lower on average than the previous year, which makes me wonder if the long overdue price correction that was so sorely needed has actually taken effect. It could also be the price point of the homes that are selling dragging the average selling price down, and overall, it is still the first time Buyers range that is seeing the brunt of market activity. It seems there is definitely a shortage of affordable detached homes of good quality, and when they do show up they get snapped up quite quickly. Being so active in the field I have noticed that there are a lot of products that desperately need work or attention, but there seems to be a stand off between Buyer and Seller regarding who is to address the work. In any case, price is the overall driving factor and if the price is right, Buyers seem to take to getting things done. Interesting to see if that product remains dominant, but historically it has and my guess its that it will continue to do so. Thanks for stopping by! WEEKLY ADOPTABLE Do not let this little lady be missed! Come on out to our shelter and spend some cuddle time with this adorable bully breed. Co-co is a darling Amstaff mix who is looking to find a home with someone able to help her loose some of her added weight, for her health. She would be best suited to be in a home with children 14 years of age or older. Due to the musical Amstaff sounds that Co-co likes to sing to staff we feel that she would be best in a single dwelling home (no apartments/condos please). This "cuddly companion" is available through the Dartmouth SPCA, a non profit rescue organization from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. More info about him, other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE. LET ME HELP YOU OUT Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Don't forget to bookmark my page, and visit often! VIEWPOINT REALTY
Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty interactive real estate map? It's a powerful tool for all your property research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention, it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! Looking for a little extra help finding that "needle in a haystack"? The innovators at my brokerage, ViewPoint Realty, have introduced another forward-thinking information tool for your property search needs. Its called "neighbourhoods" and it will break down some stats and give you a more focused tool on the area(s) you are looking for. Check it out at viewpoint.ca and get more info now! Just another way Viewpoint Realty is advancing the property buying and selling process. Newest Blog post HERE Halifax (HRM) Residential Market Statistic Update for the Week of June 9th - June 16th 2016 (Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Previous Year's Stats Total Market New Listings: 356 (397, 382, 355, 414) *432 Sold: 168 (171, 171, 148, 160) *169 Sale To Listing Ratio: 47% (43%, 45%, 42%, 39%) *39% Price Changes: 302 (329, 333, 245, 252) *357 Listings that went conditional/pending: 172 (203, 208, 184, 185) *175 Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 114 (148, 231, 125, 104) *166 Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 5,455 (5,377, 5,319, 5,621, 5,330) *5,770 Absorption Rate in weeks: 33 (33, 33, 35, 34) *35 Single Family Home Stats Active Single Family Home: 3,653 (3,605, 3,576, 3,571, 3,571) *3,939 Average Single Family Home List Price: $311,274 ($307k, $297k, $295k, $287k) *$303k Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $302,201 ($299k, $288k, $287k, $279k) *$295k Single Family Home Sale to List Ratio This Week: 97% (97%, 97%, 97%, 97%) *98% Median Single Family Home List Price: $279,400 ($285k, $276k, $280k, $270k) *$264k Median Single Family Home Sold Price: $271,545 ($277k, $272k, $278k, $259k) *$255k Average Days on Market Single Family Home: 78 (80, 81, 95, 78) *83 Condo Stats Active Condos: 494 (486, 478, 474, 453) *528 Average Condo Listing Price: $223,750 ($232k, $225k, $295k, $314k) *$255k Average Condo Selling Price: $216,196 ($224k, $218k, $282k, $307k) *$250k Condo Sale to List Ratio This Week: 97% (96%, 97%, 95%, 98%) *98% Median Condo List Price: $209,900 ($232k, $200k, $282k, $325k) *235k Median Condo Sold Price: $204,250 ($220k, $188k, $276k, $313k) *228k Average Days on Market Condos: 85 (75, 42, 133, 76) *78 Active Vacant Lots: 1,043 (1,030, 1,023, 1,027, 1,034) *923 MARKET RANT Another average week on the market as we close out the last week of Spring. The late winter of 15 and this Spring has definitely lifted spirits, and interest, of those engaged in real estate activities. Although overpriced products are still a hard sell, vendors that have priced appropriately are finding many more visitors and action then we have seen in the last few years. Although it's not a huge difference, the current inventory level is 315 less then reported at this time last year, which is a -17% decrease and not insignificant. The lower than normal weekly additions coupled with high-average sales, and Sellers listing with prices a bit more market reflective, have really aided in the slow turn around we are enjoying at the moment. The warm market can be felt by both Sellers and Buyers, where Buyers are finding themselves frustrated in competing offer situations, less selection and more competition for desirable properties. Whereas Sellers enjoy increased activity on their properties, and sometimes are recipients of those multiple offer situations. Still a long way to go, but at the moment, that long hike up the hill has levelled off. Now to wait and see if it was a false crest. Stay tuned to find out! WEEKLY ADOPTABLE Let this sweet affectionate dog change your view of the "Pitbull" breed! Brooklyn is a doll and would love to find an easy going home to help her get back to her healthy weight. She will be best in a home with children 10 years of age or older. This "cuddly companion" is available through the Dartmouth SPCA, a non profit rescue organization from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. More info about him, other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE. LET ME HELP YOU OUT Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Don't forget to bookmark my page, and visit often! VIEWPOINT REALTY
Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty interactive real estate map? It's a powerful tool for all your property research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention, it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! Looking for a little extra help finding that "needle in a haystack"? The innovators at my brokerage, ViewPoint Realty, have introduced another forward-thinking information tool for your property search needs. Its called "neighbourhoods" and it will break down some stats and give you a more focused tool on the area(s) you are looking for. Check it out at viewpoint.ca and get more info now! Just another way Viewpoint Realty is advancing the property buying and selling process. Newest Blog post HERE Halifax (HRM) Residential Market Statistic Update for the Week of June 2nd - June 9th 2016 (Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Previous Year's Stats Total Market New Listings: 397 (382, 355, 414, 452) *479 Sold: 171 (171, 148, 160, 174) *183 Sale To Listing Ratio: 43% (45%, 42%, 39%, 39%) *38% Price Changes: 329 (333, 245, 252, 255) *388 Listings that went conditional/pending: 203 (208, 184, 185, 200) *193 Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 148 (231, 125, 104, 102) *128 Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 5,377 (5,319, 5,621, 5,330, 5,241) *5,691 Absorption Rate in weeks: 33 (33, 35, 34, 33) *34 Single Family Home Stats Active Single Family Home: 3,605 (3,576, 3,571, 3,571, 3,526) *3,971 Average Single Family Home List Price: $307,301 ($297k, $295k, $287k, $335k) *$327k Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $298,990 ($288k, $287k, $279k, $325k) *$296k Single Family Home Sale to List Ratio This Week: 97% (97%, 97%, 97%, 97%) *91% Median Single Family Home List Price: $284,800 ($276k, $280k, $270k, $300k) *$259k Median Single Family Home Sold Price: $277,000 ($272k, $278k, $259k, $292k) *$251k Average Days on Market Single Family Home: 80 (81, 95, 78, 81) *104 Condo Stats Active Condos: 486 (478, 474, 453, 453) *518 Average Condo Listing Price: $232,431 ($225k, $295k, $314k, $308k) *$255k Average Condo Selling Price: $223,815 ($218k, $282k, $307k, $301k) *$250k Condo Sale to List Ratio This Week: 96% (97%, 95%, 98%, 98%) *98% Median Condo List Price: $231,950 ($200k, $282k, $325k, $265k) *235k Median Condo Sold Price: $220,000 ($188k, $276k, $313k, $256k) *225k Average Days on Market Condos: 75 (42, 133, 76, 64) *96 Active Vacant Lots: 1,030 (1,023, 1,027, 1,034, 1,016) *928 MARKET RANT Full steam ahead! Rolling into the first week of the month with a respectable report, this week carries forward the positive momentum created by the previous months of the year. Although it hasn't been a "pedal to the metal" selling year by any means, it has still been a "slowly getting to the destination at or below the speed limit" trend. All good things, and although we are currently besting the bloated market of last year, the margin of that performance is small. Sales are a touch lower, but the new addition are fewer as well which is encouraging the strong sales to list ratio. Buyer activity is still up as reported by the listings that went conditional/pending but it seems as though that statistic, along with a few others, are too close to call from last year this time. No doubt we were into the full swing of peak activity at this time last year, and the general feeling is that we are currently in the peak of the activity as far as volume is concerned now. One thing remains constant regardless of the volume, the performance levels and general reports have been consistent in the last few months, percentage wise. Strength in the market has been growing as well, and hopefully it will continue to grow well into the market year. Thanks for stopping by! WEEKLY ADOPTABLE Gunna is a 3 year old Staffie in need of a home! He is a very sweet, loving dog who is house and kennel trained, walks great in lead, knows all of his commands(sit,down, come, place, heel, look, out, break, good, stay is implied) has great impulse control in distracting environments, trained for off leash and is neutered. Gunna originally went into rescue two years ago after spending many months in a no-kill shelter. From there he went to training with Unleashed Potential to work on a few behavioral issues where he was then adopted out. Unfortunately, the home that he went to did not keep up on any of his training so it was decided that it would be best if he found another person who would continue to spend time with him, socializing him, taking him places, and maintaining his training. Gunna is currently in a temporary foster home, but he needs a new home ASAP! He is a great dog, but he does have some possession issues with food and bones while he is in his kennel. The simple fix to this, would simply be to close the door and leave him alone while he has these items. He had been possessive of his ball when he first went to foster, but has learned a solid 'out' and now loves to play fetch! Gunna would be best suited to a home with no small children and as the only dog since he does take a little while to warm up to new dogs. If another dog was to be in the home, his adopter would have to take their time integrating the two of them. Gunna comes with an initial training session to help educate his new owners on everything he already knows, as well as free group classes for life in PEI, HRM, or the Valley NS. This "cuddly companion" is available through Siblings K9 Rescue Society, a non profit rescue organization from Windsor, Nova Scotia. More info about him, other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE .LET ME HELP YOU OUT Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Don't forget to bookmark my page, and visit often! VIEWPOINT REALTY
Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty interactive real estate map? It's a powerful tool for all your property research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention, it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! Looking for a little extra help finding that "needle in a haystack"? The innovators at my brokerage, ViewPoint Realty, have introduced another forward-thinking information tool for your property search needs. Its called "neighbourhoods" and it will break down some stats and give you a more focused tool on the area(s) you are looking for. Check it out at viewpoint.ca and get more info now! Just another way Viewpoint Realty is advancing the property buying and selling process. Newest Blog post HERE Halifax (HRM) Residential Market Statistic Update for the Week of May 26th - June 2nd 2016 (Previous weeks numbers in brackets) *Previous Year's Stats Total Market New Listings: 382 (355, 414, 452, 500) * Sold: 171 (148, 160, 174, 160) * Sale To Listing Ratio: 45% (42%, 39%, 39%, 32%) *26% Price Changes: 333 (245, 252, 255, 296) Listings that went conditional/pending: 208 (184, 185, 200, 197) * Expired/Cancelled/Withdrawn: 231 (125, 104, 102, 250) * Total Active Halifax/Dartmouth Inventory: 5,319 (5,621, 5,330, 5,241, 5,124) * Absorption Rate in weeks: 33 (35, 34, 33, 34) * Single Family Home Stats Active Single Family Home: 3,576 (3,571, 3,571, 3,526, 3,348) * Average Single Family Home List Price: $296,598 ($295k, $287k, $335k, $298k) * Average Single Family Home Selling Price: $287,532 ($287k, $279k, $325k, $289k) * Single Family Home Sale to List Ratio This Week: 97% (97%, 97%, 97%, 97%) * Median Single Family Home List Price: $275,700 ($280k, $270k, $300k, $280k) Median Single Family Home Sold Price: $272,000 ($278k, $259k, $292k, $270k) Average Days on Market Single Family Home: 81 (95, 78, 81, 115) * Condo Stats Active Condos: 478 (474, 453, 453, 451) * Average Condo Listing Price: $224,466 ($295k, $314k, $308k, $240k) * Average Condo Selling Price: $217,773 ($282k, $307k, $301k, $221k) * Condo Sale to List Ratio This Week: 97% (95%, 98%, 98%, 92%) * Median Condo List Price: $199,900 ($282k, $325k, $265k, $236k) Median Condo Sold Price: $188,000 ($276k, $313k, $256k, $230k) Average Days on Market Condos: 42 (133, 76, 64, 94) * Active Vacant Lots: 1,023 (1,027, 1,034, 1,016, 985) * MARKET RANT Looks like we might be headed for an early decline in the inventory levels? Annually, May sets the tempo for the inventory height, with remaining months maintaining the status quo until we reach the end of the year. This week however, we dropped over 300 products of inventory off the market in an unusual turn of events. No doubt this will be a one week wonder, but anything is possible in this market. The weekly new additions remain lower than the past few years of reporting at this time, and sales activity remains solid. Lots of price changes this week, which could meant that Sellers are ready to move on with their property and accept the Buyers market selling conditions. With this new met attitude, Buyer activity remains steady and higher then we have seen in the last few years. With the combination of fewer weekly additions, more competitive prices and more Buyers in the market, the Halifax real estate market has significantly improved from the "buyers market with no buyers" we have seen on the last few years to a "buyers market, but for how much longer" mentality. Lots of positive activity out there this year so far, and here's to hoping that the momentum carries. Thanks for stopping by! WEEKLY ADOPTABLE Layla is a sweet, younger girl with tons of energy. She weighs around 65 pounds. She can get quite excitable when meeting new people and trying new things but, once she calms down, she is very gentle and loving! We are guessing Layla may not have had the best start in life, as she has some scars to prove it. This lady has been bounced around a lot and has just recently been returned to our care - through no fault of her own - and she's on the look-out for the forever loving home everyone always talks about! Layla would like a home with no young children, as she can be pretty jumpy. No cats for this girl. Dogs may be fine but will require a meeting to see if they get along. This "cuddly companion" is available through Homeward Bound City Pound, a non profit rescue organization from Halifax, Nova Scotia. More info about him, other adoptable's looking for their furever home, and ways to help or donate can be found by clicking HERE. LET ME HELP YOU OUT Have a question about the Halifax Real Estate market? Thinking this might be the time to purchase or list your property? I can provide you with a complimentary comparative market analysis or you can Contact me to advise you on your best plan of action for your real estate transaction and get the most advanced real estate system working for you. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to the minute with all things Halifax real estate @HalifaxRealEst and friend me on Facebook and Google+ :) Please note that these opinions and comments are solely mine and mine alone. Don't forget to bookmark my page, and visit often! VIEWPOINT REALTY
Are you familiar with ViewPoint Realty? How about the ViewPoint Realty interactive real estate map? It's a powerful tool for all your property research needs and when you are ready to buy or sell, its the competitive edge over your competition! Not to mention, it's now more rewarding then ever to become a ViewPoint client, just click HERE to find out more. More savings and more information, sign up today! Or, click HERE to go right to the map and get property shopping! Looking for a little extra help finding that "needle in a haystack"? The innovators at my brokerage, ViewPoint Realty, have introduced another forward-thinking information tool for your property search needs. Its called "neighbourhoods" and it will break down some stats and give you a more focused tool on the area(s) you are looking for. Check it out at viewpoint.ca and get more info now! Just another way Viewpoint Realty is advancing the property buying and selling process. Newest Blog post HERE |
Jeremiah Wallace, CDJeremiah has been involved with many aspects of the Real Estate industry for over fourteen years. This includes construction, residential renovations, interior design, and investing in various income generating property products.. ListingsPhoto's by Jeremiah
January 2025